
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

Please please, don't tag that blog unnecessarily. Thanks!

Random Music

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Thank you for freeing me..

The past few months were hell. So much uncertainties I've faced alone. Nonetheless, your presence throughout made it feel a little more bearable. I understand the such things cannot happen on the long run. Still, I'm glad that I've met you. The joys and the heartaches I've felt throughout the entirety of this "experience" as you have so termed it. The letter you have with you, I hope can be kept as a memento of me. When even after we graduated, I still hope to be part of your legacy. I believe that with this, I most likely have growth another feather of wisdom and can probably take the world head-on.

Dang, I recover too quickly. 10 minutes ago, I was still crying and confiding it to HY over the phone. After all of this, I hope that it'll not affect the good friendship we have. I still feel awkward about it. I've lost my mood to study. Nonetheless, I believe that with my capabilities, I'll succeed in times like these and conquer my examinations. My emotions during such turbulent times were my motivation to keep me going. I used it to make me wanna study for your sake.

In all, I know that it isn't right to use it as a motivational force. It had pretty much pushed me into the abyss of hell. Nonetheless, I will not blame anyone for my demise. There are those around me who have tried given me advices on the "correct" thing to do. However, my stubbornness was my undoing as I'll only heed to advices I want to listen.

After all that happened, I hope that you will not ostracize me for what I did. It's not within my control as to what had happened. This was a first for me and I think it did a pretty good job at teaching me on what to expect from the one that was truly meant for me. Nonetheless, can I acknowledge you as my god-sibling? That way, I seriously hope that it could serve as a true reminder of what had happened and that I'll not make the same mistake again.

Once again, I am truly sorry.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

My dearest friend..

Hey buddy, I know the examinations are up-coming.. Ok, in fact it's today. However, no fear coz I have complete faith in you that you'll pass. I also do know that you will try to overstretch yourself during periods like these to study. (I still remember most of our previous conversations okz? ;P) Nonetheless, take it easy. If you inadvertently catch yourself thinking of the past or start to stare at your scar, try to stop doing so at your earliest realization. Try talking to someone else if I'm not around to take notice of such things. I don't wish to see yourself doing some silly things that ends up with yourself being hurt. (The Redemption was heart wrenching as it is.)

I'll keep all your secrets tight-lipped and hope you do the same for mine. ;P Though I trust that you are not the type who goes telling everyone everything you know.

The Chinese saying goes: "There are no banquets that goes un-dispersed." (Or something like that.) So all good things will someday come to an end. As much as you and I hate something like this, it is probable that one day I'll not be here to let you confide into. So dear Albert, learn to be strong, not physically, but emotionally. Do not let your emotions get the better of you. Studying using a source of depression to motivate yourself is definitely detrimental. Heart-wrenching moments with passions to study do not mix. Still, I know that you are trying your best to hang around the ropes to learn. Give it your best!!

In all, do your best this up-coming semester's examinations and don't stress yourself. Doing something stupid and hurting yourself will definitely hurt people around you badly, like how you inflicted pain and distress onto me with "Redemption". Take it easy and look forward to the new era of the holidays. ROFL~!

Seito Videntur (Man, I love this name. XD)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pre-examination Stress!! Urgh..

Oh my god.. It's nearly the examinations and we're not done with CSAS yet. Not to worry the rest of you guys out there. Albert, Gambit and I are chionging the assignment right now as I blog.

Anyways, yesterday was fun. We were CSAS-ing and attending my neighbour's baby first month. Too bad I did not take a picture of the baby girl. Sadded.

Guess where I am.. No prizes though..

And here we have another photo. Hurhur..

Thursday, August 16, 2007

*Bleep*, the new household brand of hate. (Censored the name already. ;P)

From here on out, these are just opinions and in no way will tarnish the company's reputation as these are just mindless ramblings from a nobody like me. You can find incessant ramblings out there in the internet like mine. So, pay no heed.

I guess many of you would know what *Bleep* stands for right now. Haha. I guess it's pretty insane of them to wanna sue people who downloaded anime from as far back as 2005. They had set up the law of illegal anime downloads just this year, 2007. (For those who are so ignorant of the dates.) I do understand the need for the government to keep downloading rates in Singapore low as we are now being positioned as the top downloaders of illegal contents. However, what does that have to do with *Bleep*? If *Bleep* is working directly under governmental influence of unknownst magnitude, it's probably acceptable. However, it seems to be the case whereby *Bleep* is the one influencing the government.

Doing a little research up on the internet, basically on Wikipedia, I have found something of interest.

-Click here to link- (Removed due to the fact that I dun wanna get sued.)

Seems that whoever is updating data about *Bleep* is obviously doing some serious reputational damage. However, I would not say that the data provided are totally baseless and are ambigious. Firstly, I had bought a few products from *Bleep* and I do not feel satisfied with the quality at all..

Quoted from Wikipedia:
"*Bleep* has attempted to fight widespread anime piracy by pricing box sets at low prices with 13-episode anime VCD box sets at $10 and anime DVD box sets at $20 each."

That's crap, if box sets were sold at $10, I don't think people would mind getting them in bulk. However, if you do go out the streets and do happen to see $10 box sets, those are probably the animations that are very old or animations that are not very welcomed by anime fans in Singapore.

Translations done by them were terrible. I cannot read chinese words that are not simplified (many Singaporeans couldn't as well), thus, proving only one thing. These translations were made by translators perhaps from China or Taiwan. The problem with translations (subbings) done by countries like them is basically the matter of quality. Fonts were horribly chosen. Sometimes the voice-casts the company (*Bleep*) uses can result in ear-bleeding. Why? If you contrast with the original Japanese voice of a character, it can end up sounding wierd (typically too screechy or too low).

I am amazed by the part whereby *Bleep* can claim that translations were done horribly was due to the fault of the limits a VCD has.

Assuming that Singapore belongs to one of the lowest illegal downloading countries, will *Bleep* still earn their fair share of the pie? I think not. Companies like that only has interests in earning money through the hurting of the consumers. Even if Singaporeans do not download animes illegally, they'll still go onto channels like importing the goods from overseas. So, when times like these were to come, will *Bleep* sue these foreign companies for selling anime VCD and DVD to Singaporeans? This will definitely sound ridiculous.

I think that *Bleep*'s main committee got to have the maturity to think like real working adults and not young little kids who will sulk when their little play session does not go too well. Singapore is trying to up her standards as being a hub for animations (one quite successful event was N.E.mation, that was terrific~). In order to up the standards, there must be the goodwill of competition, in this case, *Bleep* against fansubs. For anime-lovers out there, it is a dream to own their set of animations they love. In all, why own a set of animations without much backbone and qualities to it (still having to pay) when you can get mid-range quality animes that have a relatively good subtitling with nothing to lose?


For those who think you are more mature out there and may want to argue with me about copyright infringements, I'll gladly hear you out because I want to develope my analytic skills and see life in a more macroscopic view.

Singapore is rapidly trying to promote herself as an IT hub throughout the SEA region. Vast improvements on technology that aids in the advancement of IT can be seen. This includes up-ing the download and upload rates of the internet, better computers and laptops and wireless connections throughout designated places.

When the country wants to develope herself so rapidly, there is always a flipside to a coin, in our case here, illegal downloading of copyrighted data.

Copyright issues will plague us for the rest of the existance of humanity. It is not something a full force approach can prevent. In order to prevent this, the government not only have to find means that can appease the nation into stopping illegal downloads, the nation themselves must understand the reason why illegal downloads are wrong. I've seen great effort from the government trying to promote against piracy (HIP alliance and all..), however, people must change their concepts towards piracy.

As the nation prosper, it doesn't means that people are willing to spend more. The older generations are always telling the young ones to learn how to save money for the rainy days, thus, whatever you can save on, you save. So, with an open channel like direct downloading of excellently subbed animes, the younger generations can actually scrimp on having to spend this money for something else, say a figurine collection of a particular anime.

Thus, in order to change such a mindset, the government must focus on telling the younger generation that when it comes to spending on original products, do not resist the urge to splurge. Which in this case is ridiculous to the point whereby, "who are you to tell me how to spend my money?" Isn't saving up supposed to be something positive? It's supposed to be a good thing right? (When it comes to buying something you really want.) At least it is so much better than to rob people. It's not supposed to be a joke but anyways, you are welcome to join in with me and laugh.

In no way a government can portray this idea so straightforwardly. Therefore, this is whereby various prominent companies for this industry must come in and aid the government. WHEN I SAY AID, I DO NOT MEAN BY HELPING OUT AND SUE PEOPLE. These companies can create products take make these anime-collecters feel that the products are to die for, and at the same time, making it affordable to them. I do believe that no matter how cheaply a company is selling a product, they actually still earn from it. In *Bleep*'s case, if sales figures really matter that much, then do it already. Sell it cheaply and at the same time of good quality. I have imported of taiwan VCD that seemingly costs much lower (excluding shipping fees) and yet of a better quality. The graphics do not look as pixelated as what *Bleep* is producing.

All in all, you can rebuke me in all that I have to say. Condemn me as childish or being a scrouge if it pleases you. It's not going to change the fact that when an organisation is challenging the very people that feeds it, the organisation will definitely fall in only a matter of time.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I remember now!!!

I now remembered what was that incident that peeves me off in the previous blog entry.

Singaporeans really love to complain, don't they? First, they complain the roads of Singapore getting more and more accident prone. However, if you do realize, most of the people who complain of unsafe drivings are often the ones who initiated it.

On the road out to the car-park, my dad made a left turn onto the main road. His van was already at least 60% on the road when this KFC deliveryman decided to squeeze in the gap with his motorcycle. Shock the living daylights out of us. In any case, that nincompoop gave us a death glare and then gave us the famous "mid-finger" when he drove off a distance.

WOW~! There you have a grade A motorcyclist that have the best of road manners!!

I really feel like moving to Japan after I finish my NS. This is so horrific.

This entry is called: "Untitled".

I have no inspiration for creating a title today, so it'll just be a standard "untitled". The next time round I'll try with some random titles that makes no link with the content. Hehe.

I was so annoyed today for some good reason but forgotten it. It has to do with being a Singaporean. Sighs. If it's important, it wouldn't have slipped my mind. So, heck with it. Lately, I've been having second opinions on homosexuals. I've been re-watching Mai HiME lately. It seems that relationship between the same sex have a more intimate feel to it than your regular relationship. I wonder why.

Lately, I've been slowly maturing my ways of thinking. The various aspects of how people can think. In a Singaporean's point of view anyway..

When given the idea of homosexuality, my initial reaction and thoughts will always be shock and disgust. However, in my current situation when given the idea of a homo-couple, I think I'll go: "How sweet! What made you both get together?". Be it heterosexuality or homosexuality, a couple can only get together when there is love. I may not know the definition for what true love is, but hey, I'm slowly building the idea of it day by day.

When young, my idea of love was that both parties must like each other. When thinking of each other, one must feel elated and joy. When being together, one must always give in to the other. Technically speaking, aesthetics.

As I mature physically into my secondary 1 to 2 days, my idea of love was relatively physical. There must be physical intimacy with both parties to keep the relationship going.

When I'm in my secondary 3 to polytechnic year 1.2, my idea of love is that no matter what, you can only love someone of the opposite gender. Love sets the heart aflutter. You feel that you need to be the person all the time, or else you'll go emo-ing. (Take note, it's a need and not a want.) You want to share all your emotions with that special someone and hope that you'll be reciprocated with that person sharing all his/her emotions back with you.

My current view on love is that no matter who the person is, you love the person for who he/she is. Whether is it someone of your gender or not, someone of your race or not. Loving that person also means that how much you are willing to give up for that person. (Thank you Carmen for enlightening me on this bit.) Even if it means not being able to be with him/her for the rest of your lives but still looking out for your special someone in the dark.

Since secondary 1, I began to realize that being romantic is just an aesthetic part of love. It's something that you can show so easily that you can flaunt it off as and when you like to. So to all the Juliets out there, these romantic Romeos you can find on the streets are not as perfect as you think.

I know that after posting this blog entry out would most likely have me labelled as a gay. There will definitely be final judgement upon me. But to me, I'll go: "What the hey? At least I'm growing up to a better person who can see life in a bigger picture."

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happy 9th August!!

Happy birthday Singapore~! It's finally 9th August.. The 42nd anniversary of Singapore's independence! Cheers~!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Are Singaporeans that incorrigible? Maybe I have to agree so..

When placed with the stereotypes that Singaporeans are "kind" and "courteous" and are the kind of Asians many tourist want to meet, I can't help but feel cynical. When I was younger, I often beamed in pride when people said that Singapore is a fine country. As I go older, I went morbid after I discovered the true meaning of the sentence. Ok, maybe just a little peeved and not morbid.

Singapore, a great country that expanded successfully in terms economics and many other aspects. However, character-wise I fear I have to rank them the worst. No offense to anyone. In no way am I defaming anyone or any country with opinions of mine.

Just today, 2 incidences made me feel that "whether is being a Singaporean really to be proud of?"

The government and many charitable organizations have been placing much efforts into expanding the idea of "Charity", "Volunteer" and "Community Service". To many of us, being charitable might just mean donations and nothing else, however I being to differ. Being charitable is to share whatever you do have with someone that does not have the capabilities to own what you have. This can be done in everyday life. When sitting in a crowded bus, when spotting someone with physical hindrance (say an old person or a pregnant lady), do offer your seat to them.

If you do think about it, in a weird but true sense, it is still being charitable. The physically hindered individual cannot afford a seat in the crowded bus. You do have a seat and you can share it or better still, offer it to the person who needs it more.

Ok, first incident. I was carrying an A3 size box filled with ceramic cups and plates and was on board the bus back home. The ceramic set was for the wagashi event this saturday.. Hurray~~ In any case, I have to get a seat and fast, cause not only was the box filled with fragile items, my hands were cramping up fast. Seating behind me at the end of the bus were 4 physically-abled young polytechnic students. I had to occupy 2 seats as I cannot afford to break the cups and plates nor leave them unattended. Upon reaching the interchange, there were many alighted, and even more that boarded the bus. Peculiarly, there were many elderly that boarded the bus than what I had expected (I wonder why?). The 4 young ignoramuses ignored these people. Not able to withstand the sight of that many elderly struggling not to fall when the bus came to a halt at every stop, I gave up my own seat to an elderly man. If the situation permits, I would have given up the other seat that I placed my box to another elderly.

This point was when I began to wonder, why would many people had the impression that Singaporeans are kind? Maybe some of them do watch our charity show, however, I still think that these shows were a kind of facade to make Singaporeans look compassionate. The ignoramus should be ashamed, not only are they discarding away this wonderful stereotype, they are also discarding also most of our "face". Then what gets me really annoyed was that they started to curse and swear in jest. Why the F*** would you curse and swear in front of the young children on board? Haha, in what position am I to reprimand on them? Still, cursing and swearing in vulgarities should be done when you are really annoyed by something(s) and not for the fun of it.

Talk about scolding vulgarities, children nowadays really shock me with their perverse knowledge on what is to be known as the "forbidden words". They can come up with the most horrible of vulgarities these days. Where's all that "children are innocent" nonsense coming out from? They can talk to you about sex and then tell you what is the latest trend in sex positions. Trust me, their descriptions for it either arouses you or disgusts you. It was shocking and disgusting for me. Ok, this is too much digression.

Second incident, I was conned by a merchant today. He sold to me a faulty printer cartridge and refuse to change for me. I do understand that reconditioned cartridges have their risks, but selling a cartridge nearly the price of the original thing and not being able to refund or change is ridiculous. In any case, blame it on my bad luck to lost the receipt too. However, I bought it from him about 30 minutes ago, surely he should have remembered me. I still strongly believed he feigned ignorance.

Promoting entrepreneurship in Singapore is a very common thing, in fact, too common that you have a whole database of a few hundred of companies selling the same products. The market now emphasizes on a dog eat dog world instead of workmanship and quality. In the path of earning big money, many resorted to unscrupulous means. Even cheating or probably hurting consumers in the process. We can easily take the news report on the TV stations regarding cheating luxury taxi drivers on tourists as an example. These luxury taxi drivers target tourists at anywhere on the streets and charge them at the initial rate of S$35. Thankfully, CASE and various governmental agencies have now made it clear that these luxury taxis can only charge at the initial rate of S$35 at specific places like the airport or at various hotels.

In summation, Singapore is still a great country in my heart at the moment. However, if the society here cannot change for the better for whatsoever reasons, I think for the benefit of myself, I will leave the country.

Ending of in a light-hearted tone, I wish Singapore and to it's inhabitants (Singaporeans of course!) a happy be-early National Day~!