
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

Please please, don't tag that blog unnecessarily. Thanks!

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Thank you for freeing me..

The past few months were hell. So much uncertainties I've faced alone. Nonetheless, your presence throughout made it feel a little more bearable. I understand the such things cannot happen on the long run. Still, I'm glad that I've met you. The joys and the heartaches I've felt throughout the entirety of this "experience" as you have so termed it. The letter you have with you, I hope can be kept as a memento of me. When even after we graduated, I still hope to be part of your legacy. I believe that with this, I most likely have growth another feather of wisdom and can probably take the world head-on.

Dang, I recover too quickly. 10 minutes ago, I was still crying and confiding it to HY over the phone. After all of this, I hope that it'll not affect the good friendship we have. I still feel awkward about it. I've lost my mood to study. Nonetheless, I believe that with my capabilities, I'll succeed in times like these and conquer my examinations. My emotions during such turbulent times were my motivation to keep me going. I used it to make me wanna study for your sake.

In all, I know that it isn't right to use it as a motivational force. It had pretty much pushed me into the abyss of hell. Nonetheless, I will not blame anyone for my demise. There are those around me who have tried given me advices on the "correct" thing to do. However, my stubbornness was my undoing as I'll only heed to advices I want to listen.

After all that happened, I hope that you will not ostracize me for what I did. It's not within my control as to what had happened. This was a first for me and I think it did a pretty good job at teaching me on what to expect from the one that was truly meant for me. Nonetheless, can I acknowledge you as my god-sibling? That way, I seriously hope that it could serve as a true reminder of what had happened and that I'll not make the same mistake again.

Once again, I am truly sorry.


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