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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

School's Over

Yes, it's the school holidays again~! Darn, I think I'll have FPath Supplementary Paper mounted with AAP Supplementary Paper. Wonder should I study for it?

Yesterday was hell.. I woke up in the morning 9am, logged on to MSN and ready to chiong Maple when suddenly, John popped up with the messenger: "Hey mate, do you know how to do GRADIENTS?" I was like what the f***? Early in the morning, I'm supposed to teach someone E.Maths over the internet? Oh, btw, E.Maths was like so 2 years ago. Amazingly, I remembered how to do it..


Line ->
y = Mx + C [Where M is gradient, C is y-intercept.]

Gradient ->
M = (By - Ay)/(Bx - Ax) [Where A and B are ends of line in coords of (Ax, Ay) and (Bx, By).]

Went out to catch a movie in school with -Bird Flu- and Gambit. 2 movies in fact. Tim Burton's Nightmare before Christmas and Zattoichi. Zattoichi was a rewatch, nonetheless still fun to watch at the last part. Tap dancing rules! I simply adore Tim Burton's works. Lovely.

Went out with -hy- and his brother later to book badminton court today as well. His brother is like so cute. Anyways, managed to grab one of -hy-'s prized possession: A photograph of -hl-. Hey, I'm no pedophile. XD

See, so cute. That's -hl- btw. -Bird Flu-, I swear I'm no pedophile.

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