
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

Please please, don't tag that blog unnecessarily. Thanks!

Random Music

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm so bored. So I'm now starting something new for this Blog Board.

I am so darn bored. 2 days into the week and I feel like jumping into a time-warp and get over this holidays. How nice would that be.. Haha.. Today's DRP, I had lunch with Wei Lee, Louis and this junior called Jasmin. Hmmm.. I can't really pinpoint it, but I dare say that she reminds me of someone I know but not sure who.. XD Then again, that particular someone I know shouldn't be as bimbotic as her given that my personal circle of friends do not really include people who are "beyond scientific explanation" kind of dumb.. Crud, and I thought Shu Hui was hopeless enough. Lol.

Nonethless, back to topic. What should I do to keep this blog board entertaining? One option would be to share all my deepest darkest secrets with you all, but that would pretty much make me an easy target for blackmails. XD Another option would be that I start writing a story. That pretty much has no link between chapters with retarded ideas in it. However, that would really test the limits of my creativity and writing power. What to do? Any suggestions anyone?

Crud. I was scrolling down my MSN when I saw Lewis (an ex-classmate) wrote this for his personal message: "i love u, u love me, let's gang up to kill barney, with a shot gun BANG BANG, barney on the floor, bye bye purple dinosaur. (:"

Good lord. O.O"||

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