
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

Please please, don't tag that blog unnecessarily. Thanks!

Random Music

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The amazing penknife therapy

When I first heard of people cutting themselves with they are under pressure. I thought it was stupid. However, it seems that it's not. I've tried it not too long ago. I have no idea what driven me to do it, but let me tell you.. It's a great thing. It helps. At least for a little bit. I started out small. Soon I'll get it bigger. The pain given by the knife is supposed to "counteract" the pain and depression you are having. Thus, the bigger, the better. Nonetheless, I'm a spineless coward at the moment. However, let me assure my general audiences that it will get bigger and much more surprising.. Hmm.. Still, how surprising can cuts get? Lolz.

Piccie 1

Piccie 2

Piccie 3

If only I have a better camera to focus on the fine blood lines. XD

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