
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

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Random Music

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Today's sermon was the BEST sermon I've ever attended! Thank you God!

I was supposed to go out with Chit to help out in some Children's day event today. In the end we scrapped the idea coz Chit was unfashionably sick. Yet, he tried to play a good host. Thank you so much despite all the troubles I've caused. XD After which I headed to the National Library at Bugis along Victoria Road I think. Managed to dig out something read-worthy. It was the "Ruby Throne Trilogy" by Deborah Chester. The writing style somewhat differs from Robin Hobb, yet I couldn't resist reading it. It was THAT amazing for after Robin Hobb, there isn't a single worthy author that is capable of captivating me like this. Currently nearing the end of book 1. Hehe..

After all the above, I met up with Chit and Quan for lunch at about 4pm. So late.. :x Then, I voluntarily allowed myself to be dragged to a church sermon for Polytechnic students.. I was a Christ believer till secondary 4. I've been believing, then backsliding and then re-believing Christianity over and over. This time round, I was just really too desperate to try anything that can stop myself from cutting again. At the initial of the sermon, it was relatively awkward for me as it doesn't seem right for a cynical back-slider like me to be under the presence of the Lord. It made me felt inferior and unworthy, and after all that I've done to myself after knowing that God created me not for this purpose and for much greater things.

During the worship after the praise, I've began to feel the once familiar feelings again. Many say that it is the work of the mind, and that as a Science student, I shouldn't allow myself to believe "crap" like this. Nonetheless, I assure all of you, the feelings are true. During the worship session, I poured out all my thoughts and emotions to the Lord, beseeching for His help and forgiveness. This is when I suddenly felt a slight giddiness and that a small portion of my burdens had been lifted away. Thus, I began to cry.. Wonder if Chit saw that.. Lolz, he was sitting next to me. XD It was nonetheless embarrassing for a tertiary student to be crying in an upbeat sermon. However, for once in a very long time, I've really felt the love of my Lord. This is true. I can even swear to you right now that I'm not going to do anything foolish and foolhardy anymore. I felt like I've gained a whole lot of new strength after that earnest prayer and that it was heeded. Thank you Lord for Your magnanimity and praise to You for all Your Love to humanity.

Today's sermon was rather empowering. Touching on the topic "The kind of people God will anoint". Pastor Jasmine was rather enlightening in trying to interpret the Bible's text for us. She's amazing for it is the first time I'm able to understand and focus on the sermon without falling asleep. Thank you God!

I want the Lord to give me double anointing. I want to learn from Him and many others whole-heartedly and grow under the Lord's meticulous hands. I want to learn to be really humble for that will let me see new lights and perspective. And Lord, teach me to be someone who will not procrastinate and put whatever I know into action. Give me the power to "DARE TO TRY".

Thank you Lord!

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