
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

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Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm just so tired but I can't stop..

Working today with Geraldine was fun.. I somehow realised that it is only with See Kia around that only business is good.. However, not with Geraldine.. Wonder why? Hehe.. Nonetheless, I couldn't resist the urge to cut myself once more while at work today. It seems that I'm relying on my 2 best-friends very often: Olfa Cutter 01 and Olfa Cutter 02. XD

Piccie 5

It has been an emotion roller coaster for me since day 1 of my development to cut myself. It seems that I'm beginning to be reliant on it as an outlet to destress..

-Bird- came to tell me today that I am suffering from depression. I wouldn't remove that possibility, yet I couldn't really believe it. Me?! Of all the bo-chap people in the world, me?! I'm the heck-care type of guy. So it wouldn't seem right if someone who don't care anything suffer from depression. Whatever the case, I feel the need to stop it. However, I couldn't summon the strength to forge on. I've already felt that I'd let down a lot of people. People who tried their best
to help me in my time of need. People whom care for me.

All the talk about people who care for me. I really don't feel that they actually care. I think I am now numbed by how others feel towards me. I feel neglected all the time. Left out, alone. Yet, I know that the old me will pull it through and try my best to prove others wrong and colour all lives.

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