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Thursday, September 6, 2007

What's with old people nowadays? Today's rantings..

I'm currently staying with my granny now. Apparently she's shifted to my house temporarily due to the renovation at my aunt's place. I understand that many people have a misconception about old people being grumpy, slow and some other things. However, I do beg to differ. There are old people out there that are not like that.

Still, in just a short period of 5 days, my granny changed my stand drastically about old people. However, my stand changes to that of such, old people who do not contributes to the society and stay at home idly are the ones that contributes much to the opinions and misconceptions. They are the black sheeps of the group. No, I'm not condemning my grandmother in anyway. However, it proves an energy sapping task to even stay under one roof. Let alone communicate with each other.

I do not have the habit of eating breakfast in the morning during the weekdays, this is because of my school starting early. So, during this holidays, I'm keeping such a pattern least I'm not able to survive the day without breakfast during the school days. I've explained and requested my grandmother not to push me into eating breakfast. So, here I am, early in the morning at 8am using my laptop mapling. From 8.15am at an interval of 15 mins, she keeps yapping at me to have breakfast all the way till 11am. Nonetheless, I pretended not to hear and ignore her. However, the intensity of her voice increased and make it impossible to not hear. Afterwhich, she volunteered to make coffee, I was like "NO! You can't even walk, let alone do something like that." Then, we have the whole process of yakkings repeating from 9.30am to 11am. At lunch time, she yakked me to have lunch till 2pm. I only eat from between 1pm to 2pm out of the habits in my secondary school. Nonetheless, at 12pm sharp, the yakking began. She yakked all the way till 2pm when I was ready to go have lunch. Whoop-de-di-doo. Guess what she did! She decidedly block my entrance out of my room and said: "Oh, you need to eat one is it? I thought you God or something." and refute my exit. If she DID understand me, she'll know that I DO NOT WORK WELL WITH ANYONE UNDER ANY FORMS OF THREATS, needless to even say give in.

So, you see now why I so suddenly hate the elderlies, who IDLES, that much in a short time-frame of 5 days. You can say that I might have placed my judgment too soon. Yes, perhaps there is a minority of idling elderlies out there that do not behave this ways.

Then again, there are those who do not idle and yet behave this way as well. Especially those who were high-earners with extreme powers in their days of youth. However, that we'll leave to another day.

At the moment, everyday is a challenge to even live. Let alone deal with the every little minor details with her at home.

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