
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

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Random Music

Thursday, August 23, 2007

My dearest friend..

Hey buddy, I know the examinations are up-coming.. Ok, in fact it's today. However, no fear coz I have complete faith in you that you'll pass. I also do know that you will try to overstretch yourself during periods like these to study. (I still remember most of our previous conversations okz? ;P) Nonetheless, take it easy. If you inadvertently catch yourself thinking of the past or start to stare at your scar, try to stop doing so at your earliest realization. Try talking to someone else if I'm not around to take notice of such things. I don't wish to see yourself doing some silly things that ends up with yourself being hurt. (The Redemption was heart wrenching as it is.)

I'll keep all your secrets tight-lipped and hope you do the same for mine. ;P Though I trust that you are not the type who goes telling everyone everything you know.

The Chinese saying goes: "There are no banquets that goes un-dispersed." (Or something like that.) So all good things will someday come to an end. As much as you and I hate something like this, it is probable that one day I'll not be here to let you confide into. So dear Albert, learn to be strong, not physically, but emotionally. Do not let your emotions get the better of you. Studying using a source of depression to motivate yourself is definitely detrimental. Heart-wrenching moments with passions to study do not mix. Still, I know that you are trying your best to hang around the ropes to learn. Give it your best!!

In all, do your best this up-coming semester's examinations and don't stress yourself. Doing something stupid and hurting yourself will definitely hurt people around you badly, like how you inflicted pain and distress onto me with "Redemption". Take it easy and look forward to the new era of the holidays. ROFL~!

Seito Videntur (Man, I love this name. XD)

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