
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

Please please, don't tag that blog unnecessarily. Thanks!

Random Music

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I remember now!!!

I now remembered what was that incident that peeves me off in the previous blog entry.

Singaporeans really love to complain, don't they? First, they complain the roads of Singapore getting more and more accident prone. However, if you do realize, most of the people who complain of unsafe drivings are often the ones who initiated it.

On the road out to the car-park, my dad made a left turn onto the main road. His van was already at least 60% on the road when this KFC deliveryman decided to squeeze in the gap with his motorcycle. Shock the living daylights out of us. In any case, that nincompoop gave us a death glare and then gave us the famous "mid-finger" when he drove off a distance.

WOW~! There you have a grade A motorcyclist that have the best of road manners!!

I really feel like moving to Japan after I finish my NS. This is so horrific.

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