
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

Please please, don't tag that blog unnecessarily. Thanks!

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Untitled again..

Couldn't think of a proper title for this entry.. Just figuring that I could at least update my blog once in a while. I really figured that perhaps, Chinese horoscopes does work it's wonders in it's own ways. I mean, it was predicted this year was inauspicious for the snakes and dragons if I remember.. Well, in a way, ya it's true. I now have friends who suffered a whole lot this year. Probably more than me, yet they are able to conquer those obstacles much more effectively.

Well, to all you guys and girls out there, fret not. Whether you are currently facing the dilemma of your life, not having to face one at the moment or even just resolved it. I hope that we can all slow down in life once in a while. Just slow down a little and just enjoy what life has to offer. Joy can be taken simply with a smile. So let us all buck up, take a deep breath, and flash our mega-watt smile!! For God has not forsaken us! Cheers! :D

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