
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

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Random Music

Thursday, August 9, 2007

This entry is called: "Untitled".

I have no inspiration for creating a title today, so it'll just be a standard "untitled". The next time round I'll try with some random titles that makes no link with the content. Hehe.

I was so annoyed today for some good reason but forgotten it. It has to do with being a Singaporean. Sighs. If it's important, it wouldn't have slipped my mind. So, heck with it. Lately, I've been having second opinions on homosexuals. I've been re-watching Mai HiME lately. It seems that relationship between the same sex have a more intimate feel to it than your regular relationship. I wonder why.

Lately, I've been slowly maturing my ways of thinking. The various aspects of how people can think. In a Singaporean's point of view anyway..

When given the idea of homosexuality, my initial reaction and thoughts will always be shock and disgust. However, in my current situation when given the idea of a homo-couple, I think I'll go: "How sweet! What made you both get together?". Be it heterosexuality or homosexuality, a couple can only get together when there is love. I may not know the definition for what true love is, but hey, I'm slowly building the idea of it day by day.

When young, my idea of love was that both parties must like each other. When thinking of each other, one must feel elated and joy. When being together, one must always give in to the other. Technically speaking, aesthetics.

As I mature physically into my secondary 1 to 2 days, my idea of love was relatively physical. There must be physical intimacy with both parties to keep the relationship going.

When I'm in my secondary 3 to polytechnic year 1.2, my idea of love is that no matter what, you can only love someone of the opposite gender. Love sets the heart aflutter. You feel that you need to be the person all the time, or else you'll go emo-ing. (Take note, it's a need and not a want.) You want to share all your emotions with that special someone and hope that you'll be reciprocated with that person sharing all his/her emotions back with you.

My current view on love is that no matter who the person is, you love the person for who he/she is. Whether is it someone of your gender or not, someone of your race or not. Loving that person also means that how much you are willing to give up for that person. (Thank you Carmen for enlightening me on this bit.) Even if it means not being able to be with him/her for the rest of your lives but still looking out for your special someone in the dark.

Since secondary 1, I began to realize that being romantic is just an aesthetic part of love. It's something that you can show so easily that you can flaunt it off as and when you like to. So to all the Juliets out there, these romantic Romeos you can find on the streets are not as perfect as you think.

I know that after posting this blog entry out would most likely have me labelled as a gay. There will definitely be final judgement upon me. But to me, I'll go: "What the hey? At least I'm growing up to a better person who can see life in a bigger picture."


Carmen said...

glad to see that someone does find the bullshit that i sprout enlightening =D

BMT said...

Maturity & Wisdom goes along hand in hand. Such attainment gears up self-philosophical principles,which few ever achieved in this phase of life. Pertaining to the Qn abt emigration....-_- HEY HEY !!! Chill dude !!! If it was me, i would plunge into a road rage,& start chewing & ripping every bit of flesh intact! Lol, oxymoron ! Fine, be prudent and wait till the time is ripe...such distasteful behaviour persist anywhere, everywhere. Escaping from it isn't going to help. Learn to acknowledge and live with it, 'cause Eden doesn't exist on a place called Earth. =D Cheers. Off to my Fish & Co. -_- They placed reservations, so no rush.

videntur89 said...

I see that one of my buddies has "established" his facts that I'm gay.. My foresights never ceased to amazed me with my own predictions..