
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

Please please, don't tag that blog unnecessarily. Thanks!

Random Music

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ratatouille! I wanna watch!! Buy me tickets!!!

Geez.. When is this cute movie coming out? Ratatouille is the best film graphix by Pixar so far. I can't imagine normal graphix creators going into the detailed designs of the characters. Remy the rat (aka your main character), is a breakthru in 3D graphix design. Oh btw, for those thinking that I misspelled the word graphics, think again...

I seriously can't wait for the movie to be out. Who wants to watch this movie with me? Post post people.. Haha~

Sighz.. 15 minutes before my AAP lecture starts. Good lord save me. The lecturers these days are so boring. This particular one teaching me AAP has a sadistic streak in her. She can smile and giggle while talking about cutting up a dog or a cat. Worst than that Prof. Umbridge (if that's how her name is spelt.) Talking about Prof. Umbridge, I think I am reminded of my current CSAS3 teacher. Oh my.. She can laugh at her own cold jokes and the rest of the class were like: *silence*. Not to mention she has a similar disposition. However, I am grateful that my teacher is much much kinder than that professor..

Okay, gotta go now.. I'll keep on posting when I have the time.

P.S. Someone please gimme a treat to watch Ratatouille. Hehe.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

TPJCG Korokke Event

Today's Kare Korokke Event rocks! I was there a bit tad too early. However, Gambit was there earlier. Haha.. I'm supposed to be the by 12pm with Gambit for the second shift, but according to Janet, Gambit reached school at 10am. ROFL~! In any case, today's event was a success~! Cheers to everyone~!

Even though this is a relatively good day, there are much downs to it. Some idiot tried to dispose of the dirty oil by draining into the sink. WHO IN TARNATION WOULD DISPOSE RELATIVELY IMPURE OIL INTO A SINK? I got a pretty good idea to who that person is but I shan't point fingers just yet.

Janet was an epitome of extreme stress and clumsiness. Haha~ No offence Janet~~ (No~~ Don't hack me with that parang!! Argh~~ *Moans*) She overestimated the cooling abilities of the aircon and underestimated the oil's ability to retain heat. In the end, she poured the hot oil into a plastic bag, and the bag melted cause it's too hot.

All in all, it's a good day today.. Hehe..

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Have anyone read this story yet?

I've recently read this online story: I believe you. It presented itself to me when -Jz- emailed my a perculiar looking link.

It's written by this Singaporean author, Low Kay Hwa. (Kudos!)

A story about a "cursed" girl that actually has mental disorders and a boy from NJC.

It's written with a weak description. (Typical of all Singaporean authors.) However, the gist came from the dialogues the characters have. Brilliantly written from a local author..

Ratings: 3.5/5

P.S. I'd so love to get this as a birthday present.

Currently reading: [The Soldier's Son Trilogy Book 2: Forest Mage] by Robin Hobb

I hate this week!! Let's discuss on Black Sheeps and the World!!

So many tests so little time.. Just managed to cramped my MGEN and BCHM2 for tomorrow. I don't have much space left. My brain hurts~~ Argh~~ What's the point of doing a project in a team when I am one of the few who contributes and there are black sheeps that do not contribute? Even if they do, the work done are pretty much slip-shod, no?

I think there are quite a few categories in the black sheep role, aka Devil's Advocate. (Remember your CSAS2, ppl from TP ASc.)

1. Does not do work, pretend to ask around as if they care
This is the group of people where no work is done and at the nearing of the due date, they pretend to ask around. However, by the time they asked, you would have probably done their part.

2. Does not do work and does not care
This group are the simplest to identify. Title is self-explanatory.

3. The pretentious social butterflies
I think this is one of the worst group of black sheeps you can find. They do not contribute in any form and do not care about the project. They make you feel good cause they think they are so darn popular and without knowing, you would have probably done their job for them.

4. The digression freaks
This group of black sheeps love to shift the course of the group's priority. By default, commitment for the project can be shifted to other priorities like CCA and such. However, there are incidences like talking that results in the digression.

P.S. These are what I basically observed. If you find anything that can be added in, do tell me. I'll edit this post and give you the relevent credentials. Haha~

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Who likes a Dead Mutt? Damned Mutt!!

I'm now going to continue de-fleshing a cooked dog bone in about 30 minutes time. I can't stand the smell of that damned mutt. Apparently, I've boiled that mutt's backbone for like the second time now and it's still only half-cooked. Yux.. The things I do for completing that retarded AAP project. Lolz.

The flesh, even after boiling, is so hard to remove. Not to mention that the smell of that piece of dog jerky is horrendous. Funny part is that the dog broth smells like chicken stock. Omg. I'm turning into a vegetarian.

School Sucks and I'm Pathetic.

As the saying goes: "As the going gets tough, the tough gets going." I began to realize how true this is. I've always thought that I'm a very strong person, stress-free and all. I'm your usual bo-chap kind of guy. Out there in the school, I try to portray myself as a strong and capable person, but I am actually not. I understand that I can lead, but I prefer the assisting role.

Why's that so? It's probably because subconsciously I know that I cannot handle pressure. The reason I gave my blog the title "Spinel of Victory" was not only because Juliet Nao Zhang from Mai-Otome is one that I idolized, it's also due to the fact that I hate losing.

Those out the who knows me will know that even though I do not study for my tests, I always score a borderline pass. Why? That's because I hate to lose despite not placing any effort, during these last minutes near-death situations, I force myself to think. Well, yeah, short term pressure I can accept.

The Spinel of Victory not only signifies a glorious victory, but probably at the same time signifies a person who is able to not buckle under the pressure. Perhaps it was too ambitious of me to give this blog such a magnificent title.

School, of late, have been a tedious and monotonous journey. Out there, I find people of all sorts. I agree with what Mdm Huang Yan said, "Students in TP really lack the academic maturity." I agree I lack this maturity. That's why I'm buckling under the pressure of the myriad of projects. My team-mates are all like zombies now. They all seek me out as a motivational source. However, I've made it clear that I refused to take on the leadership role. Despite that, I still try to make the effort to be that pillar of strength. However, I'm fading off soon, like a burnt off wax candle.

I've spent so much time just forking out to do these projects that I'm not getting any revision done. Well, some of you might say that instead of wasting time writing this blog entry, might as well study. True, however, I need this blog as an outlet to de-stress. So whether you read it or not, it's no big deal. Cause I'm not seeking readers in the first place. I'm so tired, I'm having insomnia of late that only allows me to sleep only after 12. I have to roll all over the bed from 10pm. 2 hours to let me think of how well I've done during the day, and how screwed I am the next.

People say death is the quickest solution of all things. I used to say it's foolish. However, it feels to me that it might be true after all.

F.Y.I: I have no intentions of killing myself. I'm not a weakling.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix

Is it just me? Or has the movie degraded itself. It's getting darker and much sinister, but I can accept that. However, the plots aren't keeping me at the edge of my seat anymore. I've paid S$7 to only enjoy the part where Sirius Black and all his kakis fight that Voldemort's cheesy "Army of retards and the stupid generals". I saw, black smoke and white smoke, then I like, after it disappear, I don't like. Lol.

Upcoming Korokke Event

I'm so looking forward to this upcoming korokke event this month. It's on the last Saturday of this month. We're having curry croquettes (kare korokke). Can't wait to try them out.

For more details, please find our TPJCG Cuisine Sub-committee leader Janet..

I really can't wait.

Price as follows:
Members - $5/pax
Non-members - $8/pax
Sub-committee members - Free-of-charge

So please come down for this event!! Onegai ishimas!!