
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

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Random Music

Saturday, July 28, 2007

TPJCG Korokke Event

Today's Kare Korokke Event rocks! I was there a bit tad too early. However, Gambit was there earlier. Haha.. I'm supposed to be the by 12pm with Gambit for the second shift, but according to Janet, Gambit reached school at 10am. ROFL~! In any case, today's event was a success~! Cheers to everyone~!

Even though this is a relatively good day, there are much downs to it. Some idiot tried to dispose of the dirty oil by draining into the sink. WHO IN TARNATION WOULD DISPOSE RELATIVELY IMPURE OIL INTO A SINK? I got a pretty good idea to who that person is but I shan't point fingers just yet.

Janet was an epitome of extreme stress and clumsiness. Haha~ No offence Janet~~ (No~~ Don't hack me with that parang!! Argh~~ *Moans*) She overestimated the cooling abilities of the aircon and underestimated the oil's ability to retain heat. In the end, she poured the hot oil into a plastic bag, and the bag melted cause it's too hot.

All in all, it's a good day today.. Hehe..

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