
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Trading the Greater for the Lesser.. Why have I been doing that for the past few years?

I had the luck of Sly sending me a hyperlink to a Church Service. I guess it really didn't matter to which church I'm at. All services are the same everywhere I guess, spreading the Words of God. Nonetheless, services are supposedly to teach people out there the values of the Lord as well as the promises the Lord gave to us. What I worry the most is me backsliding again. Nonetheless, I feel that the results will be different this time round. This time round, I really want to do it badly, or let me rephrase this, I need to do it.

Like the case study in video, God gave me a birthright like everyone else. That is Salvation. Well, I guess I have been too quick on seeking a short term solution every time that resulted me in backsliding. I've tried to talk to my parents about my decision and my Dad gave me the cynical look all the way. So what if they do not believe it, so long that in my heart I believe and hold the faith, I seriously feel that I do not need to prove anything to anybody. So, this time round, I'm holding fast to this birthright of mine and fighting for it.

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