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Monday, October 8, 2007

A truly inspiring anime movie..

I was watching "Shinchan - The Adult Empire Strikes Back". I have always been a fan of Shinchan and will forever be. This anime is often misinterpreted as Ecchi, Hentai and Shouta Ai. I strongly disagree. Yes, the creator does in fact uses some unorthodox methods to allow his manga and anime works capture attention, yet the moral of the story is often pure and simple.

This movie once again revolves around our young heroes and namely Shinchan. In order to prevent some psychopath couple from turning back time into the 20th century, it's up to Shinchan and gang (namely friends and family) to be up for the task.

1st message: We all need friends. No matter how enigmatic, erratic or loner one may be, we all need friends. This, we must open our hearts to try new things.

2nd message: Family is just as important. No matter how much we can quarrel within a family, perhaps even hate each other. It's only a matter of time before you realize that in fact, you love everyone in it. In times of need, true kinship will then surface.

3rd message: It's important to move forward. No matter how nostalgic the past is, we can no longer be a part of it. It's is all part and parcel of life, and in seeking the future, there will be revolution and leading to the improvements of society.

All the time, there will be animes out there that have good artwork but a weak and pathetic storyline. Rare gems like Shinchan are hard to come by. True that Shinchan relies pretty much on simple drawings and sketches, however it is more important that there is a true and meaningful message to the anime.

We, as human beings, are born to learn till the very end. Don't you agree?

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