
I've just created a second blog.. It's purely for the reflection of my life with God.

Please please, don't tag that blog unnecessarily. Thanks!

Random Music

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Today's sermon was the BEST sermon I've ever attended! Thank you God!

I was supposed to go out with Chit to help out in some Children's day event today. In the end we scrapped the idea coz Chit was unfashionably sick. Yet, he tried to play a good host. Thank you so much despite all the troubles I've caused. XD After which I headed to the National Library at Bugis along Victoria Road I think. Managed to dig out something read-worthy. It was the "Ruby Throne Trilogy" by Deborah Chester. The writing style somewhat differs from Robin Hobb, yet I couldn't resist reading it. It was THAT amazing for after Robin Hobb, there isn't a single worthy author that is capable of captivating me like this. Currently nearing the end of book 1. Hehe..

After all the above, I met up with Chit and Quan for lunch at about 4pm. So late.. :x Then, I voluntarily allowed myself to be dragged to a church sermon for Polytechnic students.. I was a Christ believer till secondary 4. I've been believing, then backsliding and then re-believing Christianity over and over. This time round, I was just really too desperate to try anything that can stop myself from cutting again. At the initial of the sermon, it was relatively awkward for me as it doesn't seem right for a cynical back-slider like me to be under the presence of the Lord. It made me felt inferior and unworthy, and after all that I've done to myself after knowing that God created me not for this purpose and for much greater things.

During the worship after the praise, I've began to feel the once familiar feelings again. Many say that it is the work of the mind, and that as a Science student, I shouldn't allow myself to believe "crap" like this. Nonetheless, I assure all of you, the feelings are true. During the worship session, I poured out all my thoughts and emotions to the Lord, beseeching for His help and forgiveness. This is when I suddenly felt a slight giddiness and that a small portion of my burdens had been lifted away. Thus, I began to cry.. Wonder if Chit saw that.. Lolz, he was sitting next to me. XD It was nonetheless embarrassing for a tertiary student to be crying in an upbeat sermon. However, for once in a very long time, I've really felt the love of my Lord. This is true. I can even swear to you right now that I'm not going to do anything foolish and foolhardy anymore. I felt like I've gained a whole lot of new strength after that earnest prayer and that it was heeded. Thank you Lord for Your magnanimity and praise to You for all Your Love to humanity.

Today's sermon was rather empowering. Touching on the topic "The kind of people God will anoint". Pastor Jasmine was rather enlightening in trying to interpret the Bible's text for us. She's amazing for it is the first time I'm able to understand and focus on the sermon without falling asleep. Thank you God!

I want the Lord to give me double anointing. I want to learn from Him and many others whole-heartedly and grow under the Lord's meticulous hands. I want to learn to be really humble for that will let me see new lights and perspective. And Lord, teach me to be someone who will not procrastinate and put whatever I know into action. Give me the power to "DARE TO TRY".

Thank you Lord!

Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm just so tired but I can't stop..

Working today with Geraldine was fun.. I somehow realised that it is only with See Kia around that only business is good.. However, not with Geraldine.. Wonder why? Hehe.. Nonetheless, I couldn't resist the urge to cut myself once more while at work today. It seems that I'm relying on my 2 best-friends very often: Olfa Cutter 01 and Olfa Cutter 02. XD

Piccie 5

It has been an emotion roller coaster for me since day 1 of my development to cut myself. It seems that I'm beginning to be reliant on it as an outlet to destress..

-Bird- came to tell me today that I am suffering from depression. I wouldn't remove that possibility, yet I couldn't really believe it. Me?! Of all the bo-chap people in the world, me?! I'm the heck-care type of guy. So it wouldn't seem right if someone who don't care anything suffer from depression. Whatever the case, I feel the need to stop it. However, I couldn't summon the strength to forge on. I've already felt that I'd let down a lot of people. People who tried their best
to help me in my time of need. People whom care for me.

All the talk about people who care for me. I really don't feel that they actually care. I think I am now numbed by how others feel towards me. I feel neglected all the time. Left out, alone. Yet, I know that the old me will pull it through and try my best to prove others wrong and colour all lives.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Am I beginning to get addicted with the penknife treatment?

Hmmm.. I was fine today till I went out with Yunqi, Yee Shin and Janice today. We were at Bakery Cafe Provence for some wonderful confectionery. The cream cornet was great. Till Kaka called me up to work coz Kor hurt his toe while at his CCA camp. Lolz. Nonetheless, I went into some weird mood swing and headed to the cafe's toilet. However, I'm quite happy with the battle scars. XD It turned out visible on camera. Somehow getting addicted to it. Lolz.

Piccie 4

Out somewhere in Sengkang..

Hmmm. Was at Chit's house cooking on Wednesday. So damn funny. Had a bit of red wine. Lolz, I'm not 18 yet. Hmmm. I swear, why does wine tastes so much better than beer? XD

Gratefully, my contribution with Chawanmushi turned out fine. Just a bit to "yolky" on the taste. Nonetheless, silkiness was achieved! XD

I'm so bored now. XD

Chit does magic with potato flakes, milk and butter and turns it into mash potatoes?!

Dubious looking burger ingredients..

The sample doesn't taste as good as it smells.

There's Melvin staring at Chit's.... God, what is he staring at?! Zomg..

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm so bored. So I'm now starting something new for this Blog Board.

I am so darn bored. 2 days into the week and I feel like jumping into a time-warp and get over this holidays. How nice would that be.. Haha.. Today's DRP, I had lunch with Wei Lee, Louis and this junior called Jasmin. Hmmm.. I can't really pinpoint it, but I dare say that she reminds me of someone I know but not sure who.. XD Then again, that particular someone I know shouldn't be as bimbotic as her given that my personal circle of friends do not really include people who are "beyond scientific explanation" kind of dumb.. Crud, and I thought Shu Hui was hopeless enough. Lol.

Nonethless, back to topic. What should I do to keep this blog board entertaining? One option would be to share all my deepest darkest secrets with you all, but that would pretty much make me an easy target for blackmails. XD Another option would be that I start writing a story. That pretty much has no link between chapters with retarded ideas in it. However, that would really test the limits of my creativity and writing power. What to do? Any suggestions anyone?

Crud. I was scrolling down my MSN when I saw Lewis (an ex-classmate) wrote this for his personal message: "i love u, u love me, let's gang up to kill barney, with a shot gun BANG BANG, barney on the floor, bye bye purple dinosaur. (:"

Good lord. O.O"||

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Omfg.. What just happened?

Ideally, I should have removed the post below. However, I want to make it up for the entry count. Haha. Nonetheless, I've regained my sane mind with my ex-chinese teacher preaching the crap out of me and my parents drilling threats in my brain. Lolz. There are a couple of people I'd like to thank for trying to at least talk me out of literal mutilation of my arm. Though, it wasn't much of a success, still, I'm grateful.

I'd like to thank Siti, Huiyi, Jia Hui and last but not least Shu Hui. I'd like to thank my manager/grandma Geraldine for trying to console me. Thank you all for trying to help me. At least now I've managed to pull through my deranged mood-swings and hopefully become stronger.

There are just so much factors involve that just literally triggered my lunacy. Final conclusion before the end of today is to "love myself".

*Edit: I forgot to include Yun Qi. Thank you Yun Qi~~

The amazing penknife therapy

When I first heard of people cutting themselves with they are under pressure. I thought it was stupid. However, it seems that it's not. I've tried it not too long ago. I have no idea what driven me to do it, but let me tell you.. It's a great thing. It helps. At least for a little bit. I started out small. Soon I'll get it bigger. The pain given by the knife is supposed to "counteract" the pain and depression you are having. Thus, the bigger, the better. Nonetheless, I'm a spineless coward at the moment. However, let me assure my general audiences that it will get bigger and much more surprising.. Hmm.. Still, how surprising can cuts get? Lolz.

Piccie 1

Piccie 2

Piccie 3

If only I have a better camera to focus on the fine blood lines. XD

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The 2nd week into the 7 weeks holidays

This is awful. Only the 2nd week and I feel like I'm gonna die of boredom for this holidays. Sometimes I wonder if is there really a need for a long term break from school? It's just that I'm so accustomed to go to school every weekdays for the past 14 years of my life that if I do not go to school for even just a weekday, I feel a certain sense of unease. Haha.

It'll be nice if the holidays are for just a month though. But then it'll pose a problem for my DRP. XD

It's a hectic week for me and -Bird-. He's starting work in Yo*****ya, and he's doing a great job. Haha. It's somehow depressing to be around that guy when he picks things up so fast and makes me feel practically like a dunce. Haha.

I'm feeling somewhat neglected. Sobs..

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pandan, the latest gibberish trend. Check it out..

After Waseda Shibuya's preview school festival ended, -Bird- and I took service 143 with Keitaro and friend (I think his friend was called Jonathan or something like that). Nonetheless, the story as follows. While on bus 143, we realized we were circling around the area "Pandan Gardens". Then following which, we saw "Pandan Road", "Pandan Ave _", "Pandan CC", Pandan Blvd", "Pandan Pri School", "Pandan this" and "Pandan that". Ok, making it short, it was a Pandan world out there. Then we started talking gibberish. We began replacing words with "Pandan". Like "Welcome to Pandan-pore" (Actually it was Singapore) Then, we're like "What the Pandan?" (*Heck) We were on the MRT when we began giving names to the train stations like "Pandanes" (Tampines) and "Pan-dok" (Bedok). I guess we were that bored that day and somehow, Pandan became the butt of all our jokes.. Sorry to all residents living in the Pandan area! Forgive us!

Saturday was fun.. Thank you kor!!

Wowzers. Saturday I had the honours of staying over at Ah -Bird-'s (aka my kor..) place. Gambit was supposed to be there, but in the end he gave the excuse: "I dun wanna come coz my whole body's aching.." Crappy excuse, but hey, gives me more time to spend with my kor. :D

We went to Waseda Shibuya Senior High School in the noon for the school's preview festival, where there's this little cutie in black with her friend gave us a school tour. I'll upload the picture as soon as bird-nii sends me the photographs. Then, I'll mosiac my face coz it has a very funny look on it.. DAMN YOU KUBO-SENSEI, made me look like a bloody pervert. Just kidding. Had the chance of eating food made by the Senior High School students themselves. I've spent like about S$7 over there, but it was worth it. However, the final dessert (coffee pudding) sent me to the toilet.. x.x

So the noon journey ends here with a new journey beginning at night. We went to Changi Village for dinner after we went to -Bird-'s house. The initial plan was to go to Old Changi Hospital (OCH). However, we began to have second thoughts about going there for ghost hunting. Actually it was more of -Bird-'s distress, coz I was pretty much the kind who got used to getting scared since young. Nonetheless, a second option presented to us when we were nearing Changi Village Terminal. It's to wait to till 10+pm and look out for transvestite (aka transies) and take pictures with them. Nonetheless, kor's adventuring spirit got the better of him and we ended up outside of OCH after dinner. Lolz.

Man, the atmosphere there wasn't eerie at first, it was more of "I dun wanna be eaten up by some animals" rather then "I dun wanna see a ghost!" Hahaha.. It was so pitch dark. Nonetheless, we brought our torches and were ready to enter OCH via a very steep slope/road thing when halfway through, I swear my hair stood.. Not pubic hair.. =.= So, feeling slightly freaked out, we decide to enter OCH via Aloha Changi. The crowds there for BBQ was a welcoming sight! Finally, normal human beings at last.. However, gloom got the better of us as we reached the end of the road where OCH is with no single human being in sight. Crud~ We pressed on and started snapping photos of the OCH wing (dunno which one) and then we crossed some broken barricade. The main building presented itself to us as a magnificent and grand sight which withstood the barrage of endless time. The sight was exhilarating in it's own twisted manner. Nonethless, we began to realize what troubles we will get ourselves into if we were to enter the main building. Let's see now, the building has a wide ground area, thus, when multiplied by 7 to 8 levels, the probability of getting lost when trying to avoid the nearest windows to prevent detection would surmount to say, perhaps a 95%?

Again, -Bird- snapping shots at the building when I winced in pain. And LOLLERZ, I was attacked by ants.. ROFL~ So, in the end, our very little adventure came to an end with very little surprises. I swear, the ants sure packed a punch when they decide to nibble you.

Very soon, I'll attach photographs the moment -Bird-nii decides to go online to MSN and send them to me. XD

But still, after all the fright fest, I'm very grateful to have spent the day with you kor. Thank you so much. I hope it pretty much, at least patched the gap or the rift that pretty much created. I'm still feeling very remorse over it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Oh-ho-ho.. I'm scared.

Crapz. I've failed 2 subjects this semester and will be retaking the papers again the week after. Freaking hell.. I need only 1.8 more marks to pass AAP. I really wanna screw that Yee Mon. Hmm. I'll be heading down to Waseda Shibuya today for a Japanese fest. Afterwhich, heading down to -Bird-'s house and then going down to changi village then old change hospital. As much as loving ghost films, I have much obligations in entering that place. (-Bird- *Hint hint..*) Haha. I'll still go.. XD No worries.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Something interesting..

I've observed some scenes on Mai Oome Zwei Episode 4 to be ridiculously funny. I'm sharing 2 scenes. One with Akane Soir (PureHeart Malachite) and the other with Shiho (Spiraling Spiral Serpentine) and Rosalie (Abyssmal Jadeite).

This is as close as she can get into an experience with sex, perverts and bondage. Omg.

Here we see 2 sadistic ladies that are left behind the shelves due to their deplorable habits of screwing and whipping. Ouch~

Mai Otome Zwei Episode 4: The Linked Dreams

The VERY final episode of the Mai-Otome Zwei series. In overall, there isn't a good story-line to this anime series at all. Episode 3 made me feel so insulted just by being an Otome fan. It's all boobs and breasts-grappling. Utter crap. However, episode 4 just proves it otherwise. No hardcore storyline but the action pretty much made up for it.

Anime Grading (Overall): 3/5

Oh, by the way, I've turned into a Nina fan. So what if she's a little short on the boobs department. Big deal. In anyways, she's a great character. Her own ideals and beliefs are rather conservative, but she's a fun character.

Nonetheless, I present to you Nina, the Otome of Neptune Emerald. Oh ya, her Master's Mashiro Blan Windbloom, kinda sucks to share with Arika. Arika's such a blockhead. No fun.

Here we go. Anyone remember this fair lady?

Hell with Mashiro..

Shhh... Show's about to begin..

NINA!!! NO~~ Don't DROWN!!!

Wow, wonders of bubbles.

OMFG, why am I naked on the other end?

Let me be like Milo FUZE and fuse..

Crap, is it just me or has my robe just turned uglier?

SunRise did the most horrendous thing in the world and that is to degrade Nina's wonderful Ultimate Black Diamond outfit into something so horrible. Kinda remind me of a swordfish. The front of the skirt being the head and the end being the tail-fin. Afterall, Neptune's the God of Water right? Or something like that.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

My first visit to a *censored*..

Well, it's been quite an experience for me today. I was in the Bugis and Orchard areas with -birdy- today. Bonding session between brothers. Anyways, our conversations seemed be constantly revolving around girls and sex. What the hell right? But I guess that's part of growing up. Nonetheless, today was a fun day. Watching Ratatouille, window-shopping (or scouting rather) around Bugis Street for clothings and visit interesting shops at Orchard Towers.

Ratatouille is indeed a 5 out of 5 stars film by Pixar. However, all of Pixar's films will get no less than 4 out of 5. I guess it's because of the type of innocence Pixar is able to portray in all it's films. When people grow up, they will become cynics. However, it's only to what extent. Still, this movie is able to touch most audiences' hearts. Oh, by the way, I'm very cynical about politics in Singapore, but nonetheless, Ms Irene Ng, YOU GO GIRL!! I'LL SUPPORT YOU ALL THE WAY.

When walking around Bugis Street, I've realised that I HAVE GOT TO CHANGE MY WARDROBE. There are so many nice clothings I feel like I've got to have it.

Eh-hehe. I've did a very very bad thing today. I've entered a sex-shop. Hahaha. Nonetheless, the experience was rather embarassing yet fun in it's own twisted ways.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What's with old people nowadays? Today's rantings..

I'm currently staying with my granny now. Apparently she's shifted to my house temporarily due to the renovation at my aunt's place. I understand that many people have a misconception about old people being grumpy, slow and some other things. However, I do beg to differ. There are old people out there that are not like that.

Still, in just a short period of 5 days, my granny changed my stand drastically about old people. However, my stand changes to that of such, old people who do not contributes to the society and stay at home idly are the ones that contributes much to the opinions and misconceptions. They are the black sheeps of the group. No, I'm not condemning my grandmother in anyway. However, it proves an energy sapping task to even stay under one roof. Let alone communicate with each other.

I do not have the habit of eating breakfast in the morning during the weekdays, this is because of my school starting early. So, during this holidays, I'm keeping such a pattern least I'm not able to survive the day without breakfast during the school days. I've explained and requested my grandmother not to push me into eating breakfast. So, here I am, early in the morning at 8am using my laptop mapling. From 8.15am at an interval of 15 mins, she keeps yapping at me to have breakfast all the way till 11am. Nonetheless, I pretended not to hear and ignore her. However, the intensity of her voice increased and make it impossible to not hear. Afterwhich, she volunteered to make coffee, I was like "NO! You can't even walk, let alone do something like that." Then, we have the whole process of yakkings repeating from 9.30am to 11am. At lunch time, she yakked me to have lunch till 2pm. I only eat from between 1pm to 2pm out of the habits in my secondary school. Nonetheless, at 12pm sharp, the yakking began. She yakked all the way till 2pm when I was ready to go have lunch. Whoop-de-di-doo. Guess what she did! She decidedly block my entrance out of my room and said: "Oh, you need to eat one is it? I thought you God or something." and refute my exit. If she DID understand me, she'll know that I DO NOT WORK WELL WITH ANYONE UNDER ANY FORMS OF THREATS, needless to even say give in.

So, you see now why I so suddenly hate the elderlies, who IDLES, that much in a short time-frame of 5 days. You can say that I might have placed my judgment too soon. Yes, perhaps there is a minority of idling elderlies out there that do not behave this ways.

Then again, there are those who do not idle and yet behave this way as well. Especially those who were high-earners with extreme powers in their days of youth. However, that we'll leave to another day.

At the moment, everyday is a challenge to even live. Let alone deal with the every little minor details with her at home.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

School's Over

Yes, it's the school holidays again~! Darn, I think I'll have FPath Supplementary Paper mounted with AAP Supplementary Paper. Wonder should I study for it?

Yesterday was hell.. I woke up in the morning 9am, logged on to MSN and ready to chiong Maple when suddenly, John popped up with the messenger: "Hey mate, do you know how to do GRADIENTS?" I was like what the f***? Early in the morning, I'm supposed to teach someone E.Maths over the internet? Oh, btw, E.Maths was like so 2 years ago. Amazingly, I remembered how to do it..


Line ->
y = Mx + C [Where M is gradient, C is y-intercept.]

Gradient ->
M = (By - Ay)/(Bx - Ax) [Where A and B are ends of line in coords of (Ax, Ay) and (Bx, By).]

Went out to catch a movie in school with -Bird Flu- and Gambit. 2 movies in fact. Tim Burton's Nightmare before Christmas and Zattoichi. Zattoichi was a rewatch, nonetheless still fun to watch at the last part. Tap dancing rules! I simply adore Tim Burton's works. Lovely.

Went out with -hy- and his brother later to book badminton court today as well. His brother is like so cute. Anyways, managed to grab one of -hy-'s prized possession: A photograph of -hl-. Hey, I'm no pedophile. XD

See, so cute. That's -hl- btw. -Bird Flu-, I swear I'm no pedophile.